Tuesday, May 27, 2008

HR Drama

As a manager, it never ceases to amaze me how much of my time is spent with drama in and around people. Today I dealt with one of our top employee's resignation and the boss' decision to not counteroffer, but promote, in addition to another employee's eventual layoff. This all happens during a time when I have a bunch of technical work to do also.

But it makes me wonder what my real job is and where my energy should be focused. How much time is appropriate to devote to human resource issues? Is it appropriate to promote someone as a means of hoping they will stay? How much do I weigh the ramification, gossip, newly created expectations and potential unintended consequences in the decision. How many people do I include and who will be upset when they are left out. Just when do you pull the plug on an underperforming employee?

So I came up with a short list of what a good boss is:

- Decisive, but not rash.
- Considerate, but not overlly personal.
- Demanding, but not overbearing.
- Inclusive, but respects privacy.

What should I add???


NicciN said...

I think that human capital is worth a lot and if the person is good, it can be worth it. To me, the hard part is the under-performing person -- not pulling the plug on them frustrates the people who are performing, but how much chance do they get to be able to perform.

It reminds me of the 6 points of Facilitative Leadership from an article a friend gave me.

1. Facilitative leaders make connections and help others make meaning
2. Facilitative leaders provide direction without totally taking the reins.
3. Facilitative leaders balance managing content and process.
4. Facilitative leaders invite disclosure and feedback to help surface unacknowledged or invisible beliefs, thoughts, and patterns.
5. Facilitative leaders focus on building the capacity of individuals and groups to accomplish more on their own, now and in the future
6. Facilitative leaders operate from a position of restraint.

Sierra said...

I think it is important to inspire employees to want to be their best at who they are and what they can offer. The trick is knowing the potential and actually getting it.
Now that I think about it, being a good mom isn't much different than being a good boss. Sometimes, employees even act more like children than my 2-year old. :) Good luck!